When to plant Apple trees in autumn or spring? Its advantages are each of these options.
In practice, preference is given to all the same autumn. In this case, the root system of plants for autumn and springtime to recover after planting to the beginning of the growing season start to surface bodies of seedlings with necessary nutrients. Here’s a general idea on how to construct the system that will help you with your preparation.
Spring planting of seedlings of Apple is best done in early spring when the ground is still not completely thawed. Planted at this time, the tree will need constant regular watering. Lack of moisture can lead to drying weakened root system and disproportionate development of underground and aboveground plant parts.
At whatever time you have not stopped planting, planting pits to prepare well in advance. Remember that landing pit – this is not a tooth for roots or earthen coma seedlings, and a container of fertile soil, fertile ground to plant for the next 5-7 years. Every cubic centimeter must contain substances that allow the College to develop rapidly and grow stronger.
So even for plants in height 11-19 inches, you need to cook a big hole. The only exceptions are the columnar apple tree, they will pit 20 × 20 x 20 inches. The pit under the Apple tree, dig out at least 24-31 inches in diameter and 27-31 inches deep.
Dig a pit filled with fertile soil from the top layer of the original soil, peat, compost, rotted manure, humus, and – on heavy clay soils – sand (in the ratio 1: 1). The hole is 6-8 handfuls of complex mineral fertilizers. Prepare the soil in the hole better layers (falling asleep all the components of a layer of 6-8 inches, adding in every 1.5 -2 handfuls of fertilizer), carefully mixing the shovel and condensing every layer. The hole should be filled “with slide” to land loomed over her edges to 6-8 inches. If you do not do this, as the soil will be compressed and perching, seedlings after 2-3 years will be in the upper-and become less winter-hardy, will bring less fruit.
Once the pit is completely filled with fertile soil, it makes a hole the size of the roots of seedlings or earthen coma. When planting plants with an open root system on the bottom of the hole, you can generate a hillock on which straightened the roots of Apple trees. Place the seedling into the hole and fill it with water. Pour the roots pulled out of the hole in the ground until the water is absorbed. After 5-10 minutes to seal soil around planted apple trees. Insert wooden stake as deep as possible (approximately 27-31 inches) and bind to the seedling.