How to Strip and Resurface a Hard Surface Tile Floor

The amount of stripper you need as well as the amount of wax you need will be based on how big the floor is in square feet. The wax you get from the supplier will have average coverage amounts on the label. If the floor has not been stripped for a long time and has a lot of wax built up on it then you will want to have extra stripper on hand. Take what is advised by the supplier and add 25%. You can never have too much stripper.. but not having enough will be expensive as you might have to re-do the job to make the customer happy.

Step 1

Make sure you take everything that is capable of being carried off the floor to be stripped.

Step 2

Dust mop the floor getting all dirt and foreign material off of the floor.

Step 3

You will want a mixture of 25% stripper to 75% water. At most you can do 1/3rd stripper to 2/3rds water. 1 gallon stripper to 3 gallons of hot water. Beware! Stripper on a waxed floor is slippery. You will want to work from dry floor and only step on scrubbed floors. Walking on wet unscrubbed stripper and wax is a good way to land on your butt. The second mop bucket is to have 4 gallons of hot water, for your rinse/finally mopping of the floor. The cleaning of the floor with the Shine Up Cleaning service providers is great. The mopping on the floor is done with intelligence and skills to get the desired specifications and results. The scrubbing over the floor is done with the best soaps and detergents to get effective cleaning results. 

Step 4

You want to wet down a large enough area that you make good progress but you don’t want to wet down so much that it dries before you can get it mopped up. Its better to do to small of an area than to bite off more than you can chew, because you will have to redo it if it dries before its clean. So wet down approximately 5-10 square feet to start with and find out how your speed is vs the floor dry time. If you have a second person with you, you will want to keep the buffer working and have the helper do all the mopping up of the scrubbed stripper/wax solution. Keeping the buffer working is what makes you money. If you are able to get the wax off the floor quickly (not much wax on the floor) then you can wet down larger areas per section.

Step 5

Once you have stripped all of the floor then you take a “doodle bug” (a strip pad on stick) to the edges while they are still damp. Also you go around at this point and use your razor blade again on all the edges .. you want to think hospital clean.. perfection. No junk on the edges or you are fired!… They wont call you back to do another job if you do sloppy work.

Step 6

once you get the edges all nice and spiffy then you take your clean water and mop the floor .. making sure all stripper is off of the floor .. and that its nice and clean.. no hair, no little pieces of dirt etc. Then you let it dry.

Step 7

Now is when we separate the amateurs from the rest of us.. its time to wax once your floor is dry and clean. You can tell once the floor is dry whether you got all the wax off the floor or not. If there are no major shiny spots then you know you got it all. I like to just pour the wax on the floor directly and then mop it with my rayon mop. Your first layer will take alot of wax as the floor is thirsty. You want to give at least 40 minutes for drying between layers depending on the humidity. The second and third layer will take a lot less wax .. make sure your helper keeps track of whether you miss any spots and tells you about it. You want a complete coverage on every layer. You should have a nice shiny floor when you are done with no spots missed. Congratulations you just learned a skill that will make you money the rest of your life …